26 Jun

Wilder Throws Down the Gauntlet to Ruiz: "Let's Make this Fight Happen"

Deontay Wilder, the former world heavyweight champion, has officially issued a challenge to fellow ex-champion, Andy Ruiz. Wilder calls on Ruiz to accept his fight proposal and reclaim the reins of his boxing career.

In a personal address to Ruiz on the YouTube channel FightHype, Wilder unambiguously prodded Ruiz to accept the challenge. "Time to step up, mate. Let's make this fight happen. We've laid a substantial sum on the table for you," stated Wilder.

Wilder emphasized the importance of Ruiz taking independent decisions regarding his career, shrugging off external influences. "You need to stand tall as a man. If you let others steer your course, you'll end up with nothing, absolutely zero, left high and dry," Wilder asserted.

Уайлдер пообещал особенный удар в мегакарде с Усиком и Фьюри | Бокс |  XSPORT.uaClosing his appeal, Wilder left Ruiz with a final proposition: "Give it some thought, bro. Let's do it. Let's sign on the dotted line and battle it out. I'm tired of being in a holding pattern. Let's give the fans what they're clamoring for, what they deserve. The ball is now in your court. Let's make this a reality. See you soon."
