05 Sep

Ruiz defeated Ortiz by unanimous decision - video

Former world heavyweight champion Andy Ruiz defeated Luis Ortiz by unanimous decision in Los Angeles.

Former heavyweight world champion Andy Ruiz defeated Cuban Luis Ortiz and became an official contender for the WBC belt, which is owned by Tyson Fury.

The match took place at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Тричі відправив у нокдаун: Руїс відлупцював Ортіса та став претендентом на пояс Ф'юрі (відео)

The fight lasted all 12 rounds. At the same time, Ruiz sent the opponent to the floor of the ring three times - twice in the second and once in the seventh round. Andy Ruiz won by unanimous decision of the judges: 113:112, 114:111, 114:111.

After the victory, Ruiz evaluated the fight with Ortiz and challenged former world champion Deontay Wilder to the ring.

"I think I boxed him very well. It was quite difficult, but my skills and my counterattacks helped me send Ortiz to the canvas. I didn't want to wait that long to fight. I want to fight at least three or four times a year. I'm ready, I'm hungry, I want to be champion again.

Deontay Wilder and I perform in the same organization. Al Haymon can arrange this fight. Let's make it happen," Ruiz was quoted as saying by Badlefthook.com.
