In the heart of Zapopan, Mexico, a clash unfolded between the American, Michael Hunter (22-1-2, 16 KOs), and the Mexican, Ignacio Esparza (23-4, 14 KOs), which crowned the evening's boxing event with its fervor.
As the rounds progressed, the bout reached a pivotal moment in the 4th round when Esparza, grappling with a shoulder injury, chose not to continue the fight, resulting in a RTD (referee technical decision) in the 4th round in favor of Hunter.
This triumph marks Hunter's second consecutive victory by stoppage. In his previous bout, which took place in the fall of 2023, he claimed a technical knockout in the 2nd round against Miguel Cubos. Before this streak of victories, Hunter had last entered the ring in 2021, where he fought Jerry Foster to a draw.