29 Jan

Split Decision: Gordon Announces Shocking End to Romero Coaching!

American boxing coach Cromwell Gordon has declared an end to his collaboration with WBA super lightweight (63.5 kg) champ Rolando Romero (15-1, 13 KOs):

"2024 is all about change, at least for me. I've decided to cut ties with certain fighters. Why? They don't listen or think others know better. Take Rollie. I took him from a fresh 0-0 to a world title.

Let's be real. You're a champ now. Everyone's buzzing in your ear, wanting a piece of your spotlight. I get it. But remember, loyalty is gold, disloyalty's worth zilch.

And then there's Avious Griffin. I pulled him out of Chattanooga, Tennessee, and turned him into a contender. Suddenly, he's all about training with someone else for a month. My answer? 'Go, and don't bother coming back.'

That's a betrayal, plain and simple. Telling your coach, the one who built you up, that you're eyeing other trainers? That's a slap in the face. So, I showed him the door, too.

I've been coaching these guys on the house. Who else does that? Your time's worth more than any paycheck. When you've climbed the ladder, the last thing you should do is ditch the guy who's been your rock – the one who'd lay down his jacket for you, who's always there with a meal, a ride, or help with the bills.

I've seen this in boxing but never thought it'd hit home. I give these guys everything – my heart, my wisdom, practically a PhD in boxing.

I wish them all the best in their careers. Just don't paint me as the bad guy," Gordon expressed.

Rolando Romero's upcoming bout is set for March 30, facing off against Isaac Cruz.
