28 Dec

Bashir's Hot Take: "Usyk's Brainpower, the Game-Changer Against Fury!"

James Ali Bashir weighed in on Oleksandr Usyk's high-stakes showdown with Britain's Tyson Fury. Here's the ringside scoop:

"Usyk's gotta dance around Fury – fast feet, score points, hit and move, hit and move. It's all about not letting Fury use his size advantage. I'm betting Usyk's got this down. By the time Fury's ready to rumble, it'll be too little, too late. Usyk's brains over Fury's brawn, that's the ticket. His speed and smarts? They'll outshine Fury's reach and weight. I'm calling it – Usyk to clinch it on points."

Asked about Usyk's standing among boxing's elite if he snags the absolute champ title, Ali Bashir had this to say:

"I'd rank him up there with heavy hitters like Holyfield and Tyson, but just outside the top five. Sure, a win's a win, but he's not quite in the league of knockout kings like Lennox Lewis, Joe Louis, and George Foreman. Those guys put opponents to sleep – and that counts for something."

To see if Bashir's forecast packs a punch, don't miss our exclusive contest – it's your ticket to the live action!
