Battle of Forecast Rules


Adopted: 17.12.2024

Welcome to Battle of Forecast!

Ready to Fight develops technologies and offers services facilitating user connections, and boxing community building. These Rules (the “Rules”) regulate your utilization of Ready to Fight WEB3 service - Battle of Forecast service (the “Service”) unless explicitly specified otherwise in separate terms and documents.

The Rules are the integral part of Terms of Service, (the “Terms”).

1. Acceptance of the Rules

By accepting these Rules or when you otherwise access or use our Service, you recognize your comprehension and agreement to abide by these Rules. Please also read our Terms of Service, Privacy Notice, Cookies Policy, and Community Guidelines.

If you do not agree with these documents, Rules and our other relevant terms, policies, notices, guidelines, etc., including any future changes, you should not use the Service.

The definitions specified in the Rules are used in the meanings given in the Terms of Service.

We may issue additional terms, rules, and conditions of using the Service, which are expressly incorporated by reference. You agree to be subject to them by using our Service.

We reserve the right to change these Rules at any time without prior notice to you. If we modify these Rules, we will update the “Date Last Modified,” and such changes will be effective upon posting.

Continued use of the Service following any such changes constitutes acceptance of the changes. If you do not agree to any changes, your sole remedy is to stop using the Service. In the event that the Rules establish provisions that differ from those stated in the Terms, the provisions of these Rules shall prevail.

2. Eligibility to use the Service

In order to use the Service, you must always be physically located in a jurisdiction where the access to such Service is not restricted by law and comply with these Rules. You are subject to the laws of the jurisdiction where you reside or from which you access the Service.

Access to the Service may not be legal for some or all individuals residing in or present in certain jurisdictions. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.

We make no representations or warranties, whether explicit or implied, regarding your legal right to access the Service or whether its use is appropriate or allowed in the jurisdiction where you are located. Neither we nor our affiliates have the authority to make such representations or warranties.

We do not intend for the Service to be used by individuals in jurisdictions where participation may be prohibited or restricted. You agree that the availability of the Service does not constitute an offer, solicitation, or invitation from us to use the Service in any jurisdiction where such activities are illegal. If you choose to access the Service, you do so at your own risk, and we shall not be liable if applicable laws restrict or prohibit your participation. Accessing the Service from a jurisdiction that prohibits such activities would be a violation of both the law in that jurisdiction and these Rules.

You are responsible for all actions taken under the account(s) you use to access the Service, whether authorized by you or carried out by someone else, including third parties. Except where caused by our breach of this Agreement, we are not responsible for unauthorized access to your account. Our parties will not be liable for unauthorized access resulting from fraud, phishing, or other criminal activities by third parties.

You are solely responsible for properly setting up and managing your Account, including your digital wallet, and for taking the necessary steps to secure, protect, and back up your account and data. This may include using encryption to ensure appropriate security. You are also responsible for securely storing your passwords and backup security phrases (e.g., "seed" phrases). It is recommended that you choose strong passwords, use a password manager, securely store your information, and avoid sharing your account details with third parties, while following best security practices. Our parties are not liable for any loss or theft of your data (including passwords, backup/seed phrases, or tokens and other digital assets stored in your wallets). It is your sole responsibility to secure your password and backup/seed phrases.

Any transfers of tokens to or from a digital wallet you use must be carried out by you via smart contracts on the blockchain. You agree to abide by the terms and conditions of any such digital wallet service, and in the event of any conflict between these Rules and the terms of the wallet service, these Rules shall prevail. Our affiliates have no insight into or control over such transfers or transactions on the blockchain and cannot reverse any such transfer or transaction.

3. Using of Service

Each battle, airdrop, giveaway and/or promotion is governed by its own set of official rules, which may supplement or amend the Rules. The Rules will change from time to time. RTF tokens will be available through various means, including airdrops, giveaways, and/or other promotions. As stated here, you may also win RTF tokens through success to the Service. RTF tokens will be issued on the BSC Network.

Each battle, airdrop, giveaway and/or promotion is governed by its own set of official rules, which may supplement or amend the Rules. The Rules will change from time to time. RTF tokens will be available through various means, including airdrops, giveaways, and/or other promotions. As stated here, you may also win RTF tokens through success to the Service. RTF tokens will be issued on the BSC Network.

For accessing the Service, you must have an active account on the Platform.

The Service is accessible through web browsers and/or mobile applications. No purchase or payment is necessary to use the Service, the Service requires only RTF tokens or Votes tokens to make the forecast.

Service depends on real-life battles between fighters and are available for access by you. You may use the Service by voting for particular fighters, which provides with the opportunity to win RTF tokens. The Service of forecast is free and while you may win additional RTF tokens, you will not lose any RTF tokens if you are unsuccessful in your forecast.

By accessing the Service, you affirm that you are the lawful owner of the RTF tokens or Votes tokens associated with the account(s) you use through this Service. Using RTF tokens or Votes tokens that are not owned by, or delegated to, you violate the Rules.

4. Service terms

4.1. Token Freezing

You can make forecasts of the winners of upcoming battle by using your RTF tokens or Votes tokens. Correct forecasts bring you a percentage of the reward pool. Incorrect forecasts lead to freezing of tokens on your balance for a certain period indicated below. Freezed tokens cannot be used or withdrawn during the freeze period.

4.2. Reward Tiers

Reward pools are determined by the total amount of tokens deposited by users for forecasts and are distributed according to the following tiers:

Total Forecast Amount (RTF tokens) Reward pool (RTF tokens) - % of Total Amount
100,000500 (0.5%)
500,0003,750 (0.75%)
1,000,00010,000 (1.0%)
2,000,00025,000 (1.25%)
4,000,00060,000 (1.5%)
8,000,000140,000 (1.75%)
10,000,000200,000 (2.0%)

4.3. Closing Time for Receiving Forecasts

Acceptance of forecasts stops 30 minutes before the start of the battle. Forecasts made after this time will not be taken into account.

4.4. Distribution of Rewards

All tokens from the reward pool are proportionally distributed among everyone who made forecasts, taking into account the size of their forecasts.

4.5. Closing Time for Receiving Forecasts

Acceptance of forecasts stops 30 minutes before the start of the battle. Forecasts made after this time will not be taken into account.

4.6. Distribution of Rewards

All tokens from the reward pool are proportionally distributed among everyone who made forecasts, taking into account the size of their forecasts.

4.7. Freezing of tokens in case of incorrect forecast

If the forecast turns out to be incorrect, the number of tokens on your balance does not change, but the tokens shall be frozen on the “Battle of Forecast” balance for a period of 30 days. The freezing period can be reduced if the forecast is made in advance, as follows: 20 days before the battle - 7 days of frozen period, 15 days before the battle - 14 days of frozen period, 10 days before the battle - 21 days of frozen period, 1 day before battle - no reduction is applied.

4.8. Bonuses for Early Forecast

Bonus on Winning If you make forecasts in advance and you win, you shall receive the following bonuses: tne forecast was made 20 days before the battle: +10% of the total amount of tokens deposited by you for forecast, 15 days before the battle: +7.5% and 10 days before the battle: +5% accordingly.

4.9. Referral Program

You shall receive 5% of your deposit for each referral user who registered using your referral link and made a forecast with his RTF tokens (Votes tokens are not counted). This bonus is taken into account only for referrals invited to a specific fight. This bonus does not carry over to subsequent battles.

4.10. One-time Tokens for Voting (Votes tokens)

Accrual of Votes tokens Votes tokens are utility tokens which are awarded for various activities, such as reposting on social media and receiving bonuses. Votes tokens cannot be disuseed or used other than for forecast purposes. We reserve the right to determine the type of activity and the amount of rewards for it in each individual case.

Using of Votes tokens
Votes tokens can be used for forecasts and, if the forecast is correct, the Votes tokens can be converted into RTF tokens.

Votes tokens Validity Period
After the battle is over, Votes tokens are burned, leaving only the won RTF tokens. If Votes tokens have not been used within 90 days, they are automatically burned.

4.11. Tokens for Reposts

If you do not have tokens, you can receive 50 Votes tokens for reposting the battle on social networks. Only one repost is allowed on one social network per one fight.

4.12. Announcement of Results

Rewards are credited to users' accounts after the results of the battle are announced.
4.13. The results of the battle are published on the Platform and the battle becomes archived.

4.14. We retain the sole and absolute authority to disqualify you from using the Service and/or demand the return of any RTF tokens or Votes tokens you may have received, and/or restrict, suspend, or revoke your access to the Service if your behavior is found to be inappropriate, unlawful, fraudulent, or otherwise in breach of the Terms or Rules. You acknowledge that forfeiting or returning any tokens will not prevent us from notifying the appropriate authorities of any illegal or fraudulent activities on your part, nor from initiating criminal or civil legal actions as a result of such conduct.

4.15. If, for any reason, the Service is not functioning as intended (for example, a virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized actions, participant behavior, fraud, technical issues, or other factors compromise the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or smooth operation of the Service), we reserve the right to disqualify any individual involved in or contributing to the issue and/or to cancel, terminate, extend, modify, or suspend the Service. In such case we may post a notification on the Platform.

4.16. RTF tokens will only be awarded if a Service is run and completed. The total amount of the RTF token prize pool for each Service will be communicated to users. All RTF token prizes are awarded AS IS and without warranty of any kind, express or implied (including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) by us.

5. RTF tokens

Users who hold RTF tokens are eligible to use the Service. Users who win will receive additional RTF token prizes in accordance with the Rules. RTF tokens, including those acquired by winners, are utility tokens. They may be used, without limitation; to use the Service; to access available benefits; to access other protocols or platforms that have licensed our intellectual property; to participate in decision-making processes and feedback in our community governance system; and for such other purposes as may be decided by us or our affiliates from time to time. You understand and acknowledge that any benefits or rights offered to holders of RTF tokens is subject to change; using RTF tokens to use Services, trade or make any other transactions on protocols and platforms other than our website/app is subject to the separate terms and conditions of such protocol or platform; by receiving RTF token prizes in your digital wallet, you do not become the owner of any intellectual property rights associated us; RTF tokens do not constitute financial instruments or security tokens and, therefore, do not carry with them rights that may be commonly associated with financial instruments or security tokens; and our affiliates and us will not be liable for any speculative intentions from any parties who attempt to buy, hold or sell RTF tokens for speculative gain. No guarantee is given regarding the availability of any airdrop or other giveaway of RTF tokens, the liquidity of the RTF tokens, the existence of a secondary market for RTF tokens, the market value of the RTF tokens, or the exchange value of RTF tokens at any time. WARNING: PRICES OF RTF TOKENS ARE VOLATILE AND MAY FLUCTUATE QUICKLY AND UNEXPECTEDLY, SUBJECT TO NUMEROUS FACTORS. BEWARE THAT THERE IS NO GUARANTEE RTF TOKEN`S WILL MAINTAIN ANY PARTICULAR UTILITY, AND THEREFORE THE USE OF RTF TOKENS COULD BECOME LIMITED. RTF TOKENS MAY LOSE VALUE. IN NO CASE SHALL ANY OUR AFFILIATES AND US BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSSES, EXPENSES, PRICE DECLINE, LOSS OF VOTING OR PARTICIPATION RIGHTS OR OTHER FEATURES OR VALUES, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES INCURRED BY THE USER AS A RESULT OF ANY CHANGES TO THE SERVICE, OR FOR THE LACK OF UTILITY FOR RTF TOKENS, OR FOR ANY TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OF ANY USER’S RIGHT TO ACCESS THE SERVICE.

6. Copyright Information

The content within the Service, including but not limited to technology, software, accounts, names, logos, graphics, music, and virtual goods, is owned or licensed by us and is protected by international copyright, trade dress, patent, and trademark laws, international conventions, and other laws related to intellectual property and proprietary rights. We do not claim ownership of third-party intellectual property that has not been licensed or assigned to us.

Except as explicitly allowed by these Rules, you may not reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store, or transmit any material available through the website/app, nor:

  • Alter copies of any materials provided through the website/app;
  • Reprint or electronically reproduce any content, in whole or in part, from the website/app;
  • Submit copyrighted or proprietary content to us or make such content available via the website/app without permission from the rightful owner;
  • Remove or modify any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices on copies of materials from the website/app;
  • Use or access any part of the website/app or its materials for commercial purposes.
  • You agree to indemnify and hold harmless us and our affiliates from any unauthorized or illegal activity by you or conducted through your account on the website/app.

    7. Instructions for Submitting a Copyright Infringement Claim according to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

    If you suspect that your rights under U.S. copyright law have been violated by third parties online, the DMCA offers you legal remedies. If you believe that your copyrighted material has been reproduced without permission and is available within the Service in a way that may infringe on your copyright, you can file a claim with our designated person at RTFIGHT.COM FZCO, DSO- IFZA-20145, IFZA Properties, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, Email: [email protected]. You are obliged to mention the following details:

  • A signature (physical or electronic) of the individual authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner whose rights are allegedly being violated;
  • A detailed description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;
  • Clear identification of the location of the infringing content;
  • Contact details, including an address, phone number, and, if available, an email address, to allow us to communicate with the complainant;
  • A statement asserting that you have a good-faith belief that the use in question is not permitted by the copyright owner, their agent, or the law; and
  • A declaration, made under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notice is accurate and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner whose rights are allegedly being infringed.
  • 8. Preliminary Dispute Solving

    You commit to engaging in good faith efforts with us to resolve any disputes, conflicts, disagreements, or claims (“Dispute”) arising from these Rules or the use of the Service before moving to binding arbitration or court proceedings as outlined in Terms. To provide us the chance to address the issue, you must send a written notice via email [email protected] with the subject "Dispute" or by mail to RTFIGHT.COM FZCO, DSO-IFZA-20145, IFZA Properties, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, Attn: Dispute. The notice should include: your full name and contact details, a detailed explanation of the issue, and the specific outcome or resolution your are seeking. Both parties agree to use this process as their first attempt to resolve any Disputes in a cooperative manner.

    9. Rights of Publicity

    By using the Service, you agree to the use by us of any content you provide in connection with using the Service for the promotional purposes, including, without limitation, worldwide, and in perpetuity, in any and all forms of media, now known or hereafter devised without compensation, review or approval rights, notification or permission, except where prohibited by law. We reserve the right to make public statements about the users and the winners, on the Internet, in promotional materials or otherwise at any time.
