342 punches to the body per fight
12 punches to the head per fight

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We analyze over 50 factors to predict the outcome of future matches. With our system, you can discover the probability of victory before the fight even begins!
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Over 20 yearsof experience in professional boxing

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Usyk0 / 0 / 0

Fury0 / 0 / 0

Pesado22 dezembro, 2024, 01:00
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Lapin10 / 0 / 0

Colin14 / 0 / 0

Peso-pesado leve21 dezembro, 2024, 17:00
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Itauma10 / 0 / 0

McKean22 / 1 / 0

Pesado21 dezembro, 2024, 21:00
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Bohachuk24 / 2 / 0

Davis13 / 1 / 0

Super Welterweight21 dezembro, 2024, 22:00


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